Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Hey, remember what I said in the last post about countries exerting pressure on countries that owe them money?
From the Reuters.com:

"We've reached a meeting of the minds and a common approach on the issue of repatriation of illegal migrants with China."[Chertoff speaking]

About 39,000 Chinese were illegally in the United States, many of them brought there by people-smugglers, Chertoff said.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said later that Beijing was "willing to accept illegal immigrants of Chinese nationality repatriated from other countries".

But he told a regular news conference in Beijing that China objected to Washington accepting Chinese applicants for political asylum, and suggested the issue may impede joint efforts.

[see the story here]

That's great. I especially like the line "willing to accept illegal immigrants of Chinese nationality repatriated from other countries" because it seems to suggest a sort of Chinese People collecting strategy. Maybe they need more corpses for their art displays.
Nevermind China's abusive human rights record, especially on political dissidents, if you want safe harbour, kids, you better look elsewhere. I know, I know, it's against the whole "liberty" thing, but we really, really need those cheap electronics and that hand-made (by children) office furniture.


Blogger lex said...

I don't see why it was our responsibility to take them in in the first place. I mean, they have a huge land border with Mongolia. If they want to be free and brave and not make cell phones anymore, can't they just go to Mongolia?

Or Canada? Canada has a lot of empty space, I am reliably informed. (I wouldn't know first-hand-- I've never been there.)

Maybe Wal-Mart could repatriate one Chinese worker for every 200 shotguns sold. That way, neither government would have to pay for it.

12:51:00 PM  
Blogger Radio said...

i'm sorry, i just had to post to mention that this is my favorite comment ever.

12:55:00 PM  
Blogger BestRapperAlive said...

Craig is a treaty hugger

1:47:00 PM  
Blogger super des said...

I'm going to adopt a little chinese girl. There. I'm doing my part.

6:20:00 PM  

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