Monday, March 06, 2006


Professor Feldman, in his finite wisdom, has decided to ban laptops from his Constitutional Law class starting Wednesday. This, as I can understand, may stir the emotions of my collective classmates. In fact, many of those classmates may expect me to use this post to call out for a rebellion against this new rule. But I will not. For I have come to pack away my laptop, not praise it--the evil wrought by a technological device will outlive it, though its virtues and utility goes with it into the backpack. So let it be, with my ThinkPad.

Feldman has told us that our laptops are distracting, and if it be so, than that is a greivous fault, and one that an inanimate object cannot answer to.

I liked my computer, it was useful,
But Feldman has said it was distracting,
and Feldman is a wise and honourable professor.

When I was unsure of what the case holding was,
Or I couldn't remember my notes,
Or I needed to quickly find a particular section of the Constitution,
My laptop was there for me,
But Feldman has said it was distracting,
and Feldman is a wise and honourable professor.

I am not here to dissaprove or second-guess Feldman,
but to speak of what I know, which is this:
I really, really, really liked using my computer in class and now I can't.


Blogger eve said...

Nah, just _for_ Wednesday. Not necessarily _starting_ Wednesday.

10:53:00 AM  
Blogger Radio said...

Way to ruin our fun.
And I could very much see this becoming permanent--he might be just trying to placate everyone by saying "trial" basis. We shall see.

12:23:00 PM  

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